Plant Science Testbed

The plant growth testbed is equipped with several environmental growth chambers with individually programmable temperature, humidity and LED lighting systems for soil or hydroponic plant growth experiments.  The chambers use a custom LED research lighting system (6 wavelength channels) providing highly uniform, dynamic (CW to KHz pulsing) intensity and spectral control of the illumination to the plant canopy. The chambers are also equipped with industry standard, temperature, humidity, CO2 and power sensing capabilities to control and document research growth protocols. 

The Plant Science testbed
The Plant Science Testbed features programmable environmental growth chambers with multi-channel LED TIGER lights and temperature, humidity, CO2, and power sensing capabilities.
Image of three lettuces
The Plant Science Testbed features plant growth experimentation on various cultivars of lettuce, tomato and other crops. 

The Plant Science testbed also includes a full wet and dry lab facility for complete post-harvest analysis and data collection.  It is equipped with a full array biological/chemical laboratory equipment including:

Research Opportunities

To explore utilizing this testbed through a sponsored research or student project opportunity please contact the institute or Dr. Elsebeth Kolmos

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