The LESA Center’s Smart Conference Room is a heavily instrumented lighting and building systems research testbed that is also a functioning conference room. An integrated control platform permits the study of spectrally tunable lighting and room environmental impacts on the comfort and cognitive performance of room occupants. It is the cornerstone of LESA’s autonomous lighting and building controls system development. In addition to dynamic full spectrum LED lighting, the room can monitor occupant location and pose, temperature and humidity, CO2 and room spectral reflectivity and daylight levels. It can be augmented with speech recognition capabilities and RF detection of occupant physiology (heart rate and respiration). The room includes a digital twin model that can be used for VR simulations of lighting conditions and occupant positions and poses.
The Smart Conference Room Testbed systems include:
- 8-channel LED troffers (Telelumen)
- Color Sensors (Ceiling mounted array)
- Time-of-Flight Occupancy Sensors
- Kinect depth Sensors
- Temperature Sensors
- Humidity Sensors
- CO2 Sensors
- Automated Window Blinds
- Omnidirectional microphone system
- RF occupancy system
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